Let us Help you Smile!

The Smile Centre: Rejuvenation Dentistry, Children's Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry!

At The Smile Centre we believe in total wellness care and rejuvenation dentistry. We approach dentistry from a holistic perspective and we believe we have a genuine and unique approach to dentistry even as it touches inner beauty and youth!

Woodside Gardens Bay Street, St Michael Barbados Tel: (246) 436-8425
Email: info@cosmeticdentistbarbados.com
Visit our website http://cosmeticdentistbarbados.com/

Sunday, 25 November 2012

                                                       To the Sunny Side of dentistry

                                                                        COME IN!
                                                            And Share the SMILES!!!!!

Hi Guys. Here's a question frequently asked at The Smile Centre....Which is better manual or rotary toothbrushes? And here is what we think. 1. A manual toothbrush (TB) can be safer on your teeth and gums. Remember with a rotary or sonic TB there can be 3-4 types of force exerted on the teeth and gums!! 2. A manual TB may be more hygienic because it is more economical to change it more frequently. 3. A manual TB does not have the added concern of the head breaking off.  On the other hand for people who have dexterity concerns or arthritis then a rotary TB can come be effective. Let us know what you think and which one you use.

Dr. Hope recently completed a course in teeth Grinding , TMJ treatment and Botox given by The American Academy of Facial Esthetics in Bethesda Maryland. VERY informative!! So look out for new procedures at The Smile Centre.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Dental tips for the whole family.

Interesting article if you think you grind your teeth.


Sunday, 19 August 2012

Pregnancy and Your Dental Health
Please accept our congratulations on the soon-to-be addition to the family!! We are happy for you, and would like to take this opportunity to share with you some information on how to take care of your dental health during and after pregnancy.

·         Nutrition is very important because your baby gets nutrients from you. Foods with calcium (milk, broccoli, low fat cheese) and vitamin D are recommended.

·         Hormonal changes can make your gums sore, swollen and bleeding. Brushing with a clean, new (under 2 months) and soft toothbrush at least twice a day can help. Flossing is as important as brushing and we recommend that you floss at least once a day. Don’t forget to brush your gums and tongue as well.

·         Avoid sugary snacks in between meals. If you have to snack do so immediately after each major meal. Tooth decay is affected by what you eat, how often you eat and how long the food stays in your mouth.

·         A herbal toothpaste with, Echinacea, tea tree oil and/or Co Q 10 can significantly decrease bleeding.

·         Bacteria from tooth decay and gum disease can be passed from mother to child. Regular dental cleanings and visits are necessary to detect early problems.

·         Remember your baby’s teeth begin to develop in the first few weeks of


·         Nausea and vomiting can occur during pregnancy. Avoid brushing your teeth immediately after vomiting. This prevents tooth erosion.

·         Avoid smoking even during breastfeeding. 

·         Most foods can pass from you to your baby during breastfeeding.

·         Sugar naturally occurs in breast milk!!

·         Although breastfeeding is the preferred method of infant feeding, your baby can still develop cavities from breast milk once they have teeth.

·         Appropriate breastfeeding and bottle feeding is recommended. Do not let your baby have the bottle in her/his mouth all day, or do not let them sleep with the bottle. There is a direct relationship between inappropriate bottle-feeding and breastfeeding and the incidence of caries (‘nursing bottle syndrome’).

·         Dental evaluations of infants without a history of caries should begin at about 2 ½ to 3 years.
Thank you for your time. We would like to hears from you. Send us your ideas, opinions and comments.

Learn about 10 ideal things for better dental health.
1. wash hands before and after brushing your teeth and closing
2. change toothbrush every month or when bristles fray
3. brush after every meal and before bed
 4.floss after every meal
5. have at least two toothbrushes
6. brush for at least 2 minutes
7. always use a soft toothbrush
8. brush down on the upper teeth and up on the lower teeth
9. brush not just your teeth but tongue, insides of cheeks, floor and roof of the mouth
10. get a toothbrush that is infused with an anti-bacterial product

Thank you for taking the time to view our blog. Please share. We welcome your comments and ideas.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

             The Amalgam Controversy


Check this site out if you are concerned about dental amalgam and its effect on the body and the environment.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

3 Things You May Not Know That Can Help Your Gums and Teeth
  1. Chocolate. Dark chocolate in moderation can help fight cavities. The cocoa in chocolate helps stop lactic acid production which reduces the break down of teeth
  2. Strawberries. Rubbing strawberries on your teeth can help to whiten them
  3. Echinacea. Echinacea is a natural herbal that has antibacterial properties and is very good on the gums. It helps reduce bleeding and swollen gums by killing bacteria that cause gum disease
What do you think? Let us know, we would like to hear from you-comments or ideas. Thanks for viewing our blog. Please share.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Save The Planet One Toothbrush At A Time!!!

Here is an issue that I feel is important. Did you know that the WORLD produces 200 Billion pounds of plastic/year!!!! Of that 50 million pounds of toothbrushes are tossed into the landfills of America alone. THAT'S JUST AMERICA!!!!!!!!
Someone who lives to be 80 and changes their toothbrush 4 times a year can go through over 300 toothbrushes. Why don't... toothbrushes carry an environmental footprint like cars or televisions??? $5billion/year is spent globally on toothbrushes!!

So how can we help our planet...by recycling our toothbrushes. Instead of throwing them away so soon look at some of the brilliant ways we can use them.

1. It's great for cleaning cracks and crevices. Corners, grout in tiles, around faucets, or the drain in sinks.

2. Keep a few toothbrushes for the laundry, they are great for removing stains. Keep one for your coloured clothes, whites and delicates.

3. Ever think of using your toothbrush for cleaning jewelry or ornaments? Not a bad idea.

4. How about for cleaning your disposable razors....

5. Or you bike chains?

6. Keep a few in the kitchen as well. They are good for cleaning the graters(cheese, onion, etc.)

7. Have you looked at your cutting knives recently. Well toothbrushes are fantastic for cleaning the joint between the metal and the handle where food hides.

8. And sinced you asked, a manual toothbrush is more environmentally friendly than an electric one. If you really have to get an electric one than get one with a changeable head.

My three favourite environmentally friendly toothbrushes are The Radius, The Environmental Toothbrush(made from 100% bamboo) and the Preserve.

Should I talk about FLOSS? Yes I should. The amount of floss sold in the USA could "span the distance from the earth to the moon 4 times" Did I say the was JUST in the USA. Floss is made of silk or nylon which have their own eco concerns. Use a floss coated
with-here comes a big word- polytetrafluoroethylene. That's just the same coating that you use in non-stick cookware.

Whew!! I think that's enough for now. But there will be a quiz later.

Saturday, 9 June 2012


You are probably reading this because you may have concern about the cleanliness of your toothbrush and if that is the case I want you to know I really understand. In my clinic we have helped many people like you understand toothbrush hygiene. Investing in a healthy smile cannot be overrated. Spending $50 a year on toothbrushes is nothing compared to losing a tooth, developing gum disease, or paying for expensive dental treatments.  In my previous videos, (http://www.youtube.com/dentistbarbados), I discussed certain aspects of toothbrush care. We will discuss these in full.

So how dirty is your toothbrush? Let’s us apply some common sense. The truth is that:

1.       You should wash your hands before and after brushing and flossing.

2.       Wash and disinfect your new toothbrush straight from the box with peroxide, liquid dishwashing antibacterial soap, or microwave for about 30secs. Make sure the brush has no metal.

3.       The toothbrush may be the dirtiest thing you have to deal with each day.

4.       There can be as much as 100 million bacteria on your toothbrush. Some studies even say 1 trillion!

5.       A toothbrush can have on it: stale food, old blood, inflammation, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and old toothpaste!

6.       The best place to keep the toothbrush is in the bedroom

7.       Fecal water spray from flushing can contaminate your toothbrush. The spray can go more than 3 feet into the air and last as much as 2 hours. So close the toilet lid before flushing

8.       Don’t keep your toothbrush by a sink. Spray from washing your hands will contaminate the toothbrush

9.       Keep toothbrush upright, uncovered and in a container or toothbrush holder that can easily be cleaned –like a glass

10.   A covered toothbrush allows bacteria to multiply even more, because they thrive in moist environments

11.   Clean your toothbrush before and after every use with an antibacterial liquid soap, just as you do you knife, fork and spoon

12.   You use your toothbrush more intimately than your utensils!

13.   Remember about 90% of systemic disease have oral manifestations

14.   Let your toothbrush dry between cleanings. Ideally you should have 2 brushes-one for day and night

15.   Don’t share your toothbrush

16.   75% of the adult population have some form of gum disease

17.   Check your toothbrush handle and wash it. It could have moss, fungi, etc. growing on it

18.   Check the bottom of your toothbrush container. It should be clean. If you can’t clean it, then get one that you can clean

19.   Use a separate toothbrush for work and home. Because your work toothbrush is covered change it every 2 weeks

20.   Don’t wait 3, 4 or 6 months to change your regular toothbrush. Change it every month. Especially after travel or an illness

I hope this has helped you look at your toothbrush hygiene. Remember the toothbrush is a bridge between the environmental germs and your mouth and therefore your general system. Be more aware of it as it may affect your overall optimal wellness.  Respect your toothbrush!
Dr. Camille Hope talks about toothbrush hygiene.

Monday, 7 May 2012




Here are some facts about bad breath or halitosis:

-          90% of bad breath is influenced by what is happening in the mouth and not in the stomach.

-          Most people are not aware that they have bad breath.

-          Bad breath may signal a medical disorder.

-          Some medications can play a role in causing halitosis.

-          Sulphur- producing bacteria normally found in the mouth cause halitosis. 

-          The gums and tongue are the most common sites where bad breath originates.

Bad breath can be of great embarrassment. If you are concerned about halitosis, contact your dentist. A proper dental examination can help determine the cause, or causes, and a treatment plan can be developed to help eliminate the problem.

Sometime it may be easy to determine the cause of halitosis:

-          Infrequent brushing and flossing.

-          Sleeping with dentures.

-          Not brushing the tongue and/or gums as part of your oral hygiene practice.

-          Periodontal disease.

-          Old fillings that may need restoring

-          Cavities

-          Dental abscess

-          Extruded or drifted teeth

-          Oral thrush or oral cancer

Because 90% of bad breath is dental related, an accurate diagnosis is likely inmost cases. Bacteria that occur naturally in the mouth cause bad breath. These bacteria, called anaerobes, eat the foods we eat and give off volatile sulphur compounds that cause bad breath. The more anaerobes a person has, the more sulphur produced, the greater the halitosis. If you don’t brush and floss between your teeth, foods remain in the mouth, and attract bacteria that cause bad breath. If you sleep with dentures or don’t clean them properly this does not give your gums and tissues a chance to ‘breathe’, bacteria increase, so does sulphur, and bad breath will result. 

Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth can be one of the warning signs of periodontal disease. Basically, periodontal disease or gum disease is an infection of the tissues that surround and support the teeth. Unfortunately, gum disease can be silent, causing few noticeable symptoms. If plaque (a soft, thin, film found in the mouth) is not properly removed, bacteria (the main component of plaque) accumulate around and under the gums and on the tongue. This provides a fertile environment for the development of halitosis. In some cases the gums become inflamed, red, swollen, painful and even bleed-either spontaneously or when brushed or flossed. (Contrary to what some people believe, occasional bleeding of the gums is not normal.)  As gum disease progresses, plaque deposits increase, harden to tartar, and cause the gums to pull away from the teeth, and the bone around the teeth to dissolve, creating gum pockets and allowing more bacteria to accumulate at a deeper level on the root. Amazingly this process is mostly painless. While these bacteria are destroying bone they are also producing the sulphur compounds that cause bad breath. Hidden under the gums and on the back of the tongue, these bacteria flourish making the gums and tongue the #1 site for the development of halitosis.

Defective fillings, extruded teeth, dental abscesses and oral cancer can contribute to bad breath by promoting the accumulation of bacteria and/or food particles which in turn promote the accumulation of sulphur compounds.  

Sometimes the cause of halitosis is not dental related:

-          Diet

-          Certain foods

-          Tobacco

-          Xerostomia or dry mouth

-          Medications

Dieters may develop halitosis when they have infrequent meals. Diets low in carbohydrates or that have no carbs can produce a state of hunger that leads to a condition called ketoacidosis which can produce bad breath as the body breaks down its reserve of fat and protein. Certain foods like garlic, onion, radishes, cabbage and cauliflower, to name a few, can cause bad breath. In fact garlic is so powerful that garlic odour on the breath can be detected after garlic is rubbed on the feet!

Many of us are familiar with smoker’s breath. The odour from tobacco occurs for two reasons. First, tar, nicotine and other noxious substances accumulate as a brownish stain on the tongue, teeth, cheeks, etc and cause a smell. Secondly, tobacco has a drying effect on the tissues of the mouth.

Dry mouth or xerostomia is another condition that can cause bad breath. Under normal conditions, saliva cleanses the mouth and removes food that causes bad breath. Saliva also serves to balance the acid level of the mouth. Dry mouth occurs when the flow of saliva decreases because of medications, salivary gland problems, mouth breathing, age or during sleep (morning breath). When we sleep, or breathe with our mouth open, our saliva flow diminishes. A reduction in saliva flow decreases the acidity in the mouth and this allows the bacteria that cause bad breath to grow.

Certain medications can cause bad breath: antihistamines, decongestants, antihypertensives and antidepressants to name a few.

Sometimes the cause of bad breath is medically related:

-          Respiratory diseases

-          Liver diseases

-          Kidney diseases

-          Systemic diseases

If your dentist rules out all the above causes, bad breath may signal a medical disorder. Chronic sinusitis can produce very bad breath because nasal discharge from your sinuses go down the back of your throat Infections of the lung can also cause bad breath. Several other diseases can cause distinctive breath odor. Kidney failure can cause an odor similar to urine, and liver failure can cause an odor described as ‘fishy’. People with uncontrolled diabetes have a ‘fruity’ breath odor. Chronic reflux of stomach acids from your stomach into your food pipe (gastroesophageal reflux), and hiatal hernia (a protrusion of the stomach into the chest cavity) can produce bad breath.

Self- Care 

Maintaining a healthy smile is essential to reducing or preventing bad breath. Most people can improve or prevent bad breath by practicing proper dental hygiene, including these steps:

-          Brush your teeth after you eat. Keep a toothbrush at work.

-          Floss at least once a day to remove food from between your teeth.

-          Brush your tongue, gums, cheeks and roof of the mouth to remove dead cells, bacteria and food debris.

-          If you wear a denture, clean it once a day as directed by your dentist. Try to take the denture out at night.

-          Drink plenty of water and avoid too much coffee, sodas or alcohol.

-          Sugarless chewing gum can stimulate saliva, washing away food particles and bacteria.

-          Change your toothbrush every 2 months.

-          Some dental aids can be considered in the fight against halitosis:

      The toothbrush you use should be effective and comfortable – an ultrasonic or an electric toothbrush can be considered for those who may not have the dexterity to use a manual one.

       A water- pick or a hydromagnetic irrigator, while not the final answer, can be a valuable addition to the home care techniques for eliminating halitosis.

      A tongue scraper can be one of the most valuable tools in fighting halitosis.

      If you feel you must constantly use a breath freshener to hide unpleasant breath, see your dentist. Your dentist may recommend using a special antimicrobial mouthwash.

      At least twice a year, see your dentist to get your teeth and dentures examined and professionally cleaned.